PoE Automatic Potion Drink!! If Hit point is half…

  • Related Categories: DIY, software

  • Warning

    This posting is for educational purposes only. Never abuse, it gets misused.

    Hello this is lifeonroom 

    I added an upgrade to my last post and this time I used OpenCV to create a Python code that automatically takes potions when your health or mana is half-baked! Note that the feature only works on the main monitor. If you’re using dual monitors, you won’t be able to work on sub monitors!! 

    First, let’s learn about the files that were added or changed before entering.

    • drinkportion.py – Changed to press a specific key as a result of the change and image processing. 
    • config.cfg – Added options for changes, video processing, and the keyboard value to press at critical point Trigger. 
    • cvFunc.py – It is about additional and video processing.

    Now let’s find out which libraries you need to install!

    1. Library

    pip install opencv-python
    pip install pillow
    pip install numpy
    pip install mss
    pip install pyautogui==0.9.38


    Here’s a certain version of pyautogui! For the latest version of pyautogui, the installation in Hangul windows is error…. So you need to install the version mentioned above to make it work normally.

    2. config.cfg

    delay = 0.1
    delay_triggered = 1
    k_1 = 2,3,4,5
    # m_right = 5
    m_middle = 4
    s_hp = 1
    s_mp = 5
    bgr_lower = {'sheild': (89, 132, 72), 'mp': (109, 47, 13), 'hp': (33, 94, 30)}
    bgr_upper = {'sheild': (169, 199, 137), 'mp': (158, 71, 32), 'hp': (47, 147, 33)}
    hpmp_region = (1818, 655, 201, 38)
    #hpmp_region = (911, 319, 101, 18) #full hd
    #hpmp_region = (906, 314, 107, 20) # full hd whole screen mode
    hpmp_trigger = 0.5


    Let’s take a look at the config.cfg file giving the program options 

    The screen section, the delay_triggered option in the part_drink_delay section, and the portion_key section have been added to the s_hp and s_mp options. The meaning of each option is the same as:

    • bgr_lower, bgr_upper: BGR minimum and maximum value of sheild, mp, hp bar. 
    • hpmp_region: Where sheild, mp, and hp bars exist. 
    • hpmp_trigger: mp, hp, it’s a shame to take a potion when it’s dropped. In this case, if you have 50% left, you will take the potion. 
    • delay_triggered: mp, how much Delay should be placed and potion when the hp level is under hpmp_trigger. In this case, it is 1 second. 
    • s_hp, s_mp: Hp, mp is about which key to press when going down under hpmp_trigger. In this case, the hp is 1 key and mp is 2. 

    Note that the value of bgr_lower, bgr_uppwer works well with the above values that I’ve tested with 3 monitors. So i think you can use the above value without getting it aside!

    2. Code 

    In the last post, a file called cvFunc.py was added. The file detects the character’s blood and manatong and tells you when to take the potion! In addition, we’ve implemented the following features:  

    1. Get coordinate values for a specific Image area 
    2. Get the minimum and maximum channel-specific value of brg value for a particular photo 
    3. Detecting rectangles with specific BGR values in an image 
    4. Take a series of screenshots to detect blood and manatong 



    #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from ast import literal_eval
    import os
    import time
    import cv2.cv2 as cv2
    import numpy as np
    import pyautogui as pa
    from PIL import Image
    import copy
    from mss import mss
    class ScreenShot():
        finalRegion = 0
        def __init__(self, region=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
            if region == (0, 0, 0, 0):
                screen = np.array(pa.screenshot())
                self.img = screen[:, :, ::-1].copy()
                screen = np.array(pa.screenshot(region=region))
                self.img = screen[:, :, ::-1].copy()
            #self.overlay = self.img.copy()
            self.output = self.img.copy()
            self.drawing = False
            self.ix = 0
            self.iy = 0
            sz = pa.size()
            coord = (0, 0, sz[0], sz[1])
            self.scrCenter = pa.center(coord)
            self.mouseCoord = pa.position()
        def drawBlueRect(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
            #global ix, iy, drawing, mode, output
            if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:  # 마우스를 누른 상태
                self.drawing = True
                self.ix, self.iy = x, y
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:  # 마우스 이동
                if self.drawing == True:  # 마우스를 누른 상태 일경우
                    self.output = self.img.copy()
                    cv2.rectangle(self.output, (self.ix, self.iy), (x, y), (255, 0, 0), 2)
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
                self.drawing = False;  # 마우스를 때면 상태 변경
                cv2.rectangle(self.output, (self.ix, self.iy), (x, y), (255, 0, 0), 2)
                startX, endX = self.ix, x
                startY, endY = self.iy, y
                if x > self.ix :
                    startX, endX = self.ix, x
                    startX, endX = x, self.ix
                if y > self.iy:
                    startY, endY = self.iy, y
                    startY, endY = y, self.iy
                self.finalRegion = (startX, startY, endX - startX, endY - startY)
        def partScreenShot(self):
            cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            cv2.setWindowProperty("image", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
            cv2.setMouseCallback('image', self.drawBlueRect)
            while True:
                cv2.imshow('image', self.output)
                k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
                if k == 27:  # esc를 누르면 종료
            print("Screen Shot Region(x, y, w, h): ", self.finalRegion)
            return self.finalRegion
        def saveImage(self, fileName, region=()):
            if len(region) == 0:
                x, y, w, h = self.finalRegion
                x, y, w, h = region
            croped_img = self.img[y:y+h, x:x+w]
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\' + str(fileName)
            cv2.imwrite(path, croped_img)
    class ScreenProcess():
        drinkTime = {}
        HPMPText = 'Text'
        recogCnt = 0
        def __init__(self, dict_bgr_lower, dict_bgr_upper, trigger=0.5, delayTriggered = 3, region = (0, 0, 0, 0)):
            self.lower = dict_bgr_lower
            self.upper = dict_bgr_upper
            for key, _ in self.upper.items():
                self.drinkTime[key] = time.time()
            self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = region
            self.mon = {'top': self.y, 'left': self.x, 'width': self.w, 'height': self.h}
            self.sct = mss()
            self.delayTriggered = delayTriggered
            self.trigger = trigger
        def checkHPMP(self, frame, show=0, videoShow = 0):
            rects = []
            triggered = []
            for key, value in self.upper.items():
                img = copy.copy(frame)
                height, width = img.shape[:2]
                #print(height, width)
                img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (11, 11), 0)
                mask = cv2.inRange(img, self.lower[key], self.upper[key])
                res = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)
                gray = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                #ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
                #kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 5))
                #erosion = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=1)
                cnts = cv2.findContours(gray.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
                for cnt in cnts:
                    approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.1 * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True)
                    if (len(approx) >= 2):
                        # print("approx:", len(approx), "CountourArea: ", cv2.contourArea(cnt))
                        (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(approx)
                        rects.append((x, y, w, h))
                        currentHPMP = w/(width * 1.0)
                        if currentHPMP < self.trigger and x < 10:
                            if (time.time() - self.drinkTime[key] > self.delayTriggered and key != 'sheild'):
                                self.drinkTime[key] = time.time()
                                showText = key + ' need portion!' + str(self.recogCnt)
                                self.recogCnt += 1
                                self.HPMPText = showText
            if show == 1:
                showImg = copy.copy(frame)
                textImg = np.zeros((height * 2, width*2, 3), np.uint8)
                cv2.putText(textImg, self.HPMPText, (5, height+ 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
                for detectRect in rects:
                    (x, y, w, h) = detectRect
                    cv2.rectangle(showImg, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 255), 2)
                viewImage = np.hstack([frame, showImg])
                finalView = np.vstack([viewImage, textImg])
                cv2.imshow("Frame Result", finalView)
                cv2.resizeWindow('Frame Result', 300, 300)
                #cv2.imshow("OneFrame", np.hstack([thresh, gray, erosion]))
                if videoShow == 0:
            if show == 1 and videoShow == 0:
            return triggered
        def screenProcess(self, showVideo=0):
            img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (self.w, self.h), self.sct.grab(self.mon).rgb)
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            return self.checkHPMP(frame, show=showVideo, videoShow=showVideo)
            # if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
            #     cv2.destroyAllWindows()
            #     break
    def checkColorMinMax(listImageName):
        cmin = {}
        cmax = {}
        for imageName in listImageName:
            frame = cv2.imread(imageName)
            frame = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (11, 11), 0)
            max_ch = (np.amax(frame[:, :, 0]), np.amax(frame[:, :, 1]), np.amax(frame[:, :, 2]))
            min_ch = (np.amin(frame[:, :, 0]), np.amin(frame[:, :, 1]), np.amin(frame[:, :, 2]))
            specName = imageName.split('.')[0]
            cmin[specName] = min_ch
            cmax[specName] = max_ch
        print("lower = ", cmin)
        print("upper = ", cmax)
    if __name__=="__main__":
        import configparser
        configFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\' + 'config.cfg'
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        delay_triggered = int(config['portion_drink_delay']['delay_triggered'])
        brg_lower = literal_eval(config['screen']['bgr_lower'])
        bgr_upper = literal_eval(config['screen']['bgr_upper'])
        hpmp_region = literal_eval(config['screen']['hpmp_region'])
        hpmp_trigger = float(config['screen']['hpmp_trigger'])
        test = 1
        # -------- ScreenSize ------------
        if test == 1:
            ip = ScreenShot()
        # -------- Check Color BGR min max ------------
        elif test == 2:
            checkColorMinMax(["sheild.png", "mana.png", "health.png"])
        # -------- detect HP/MP on image ------------
        elif test == 3:
            frame = cv2.imread("testpoe.png")
            sp = ScreenProcess(brg_lower, bgr_upper, hpmp_trigger, delay_triggered, hpmp_region)
            sp.checkHPMP(frame, show=1)
        # -------- detect HP/MP on continuous Screen ------------
        elif test == 4:
            sp = ScreenProcess(brg_lower, bgr_upper, hpmp_trigger, delay_triggered, hpmp_region)
            while True:
                if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):



    If you look at the Main below, you can change the test variable to test the features mentioned above 1-4 times. !! Please refer to the video of the behavior of the code. 


    import mouse as mo
    import keyboard as keys
    import time
    import configparser
    import os
    from ast import literal_eval
    import cv2.cv2 as cv2
    import keyEvent as ke
    # import screen process module 
    import cvFunc as cvf
    # except:
    #     import POE.keyEvent as ke
    #     import POE.cvFunc as cvf
        import serialFunc as sf
        ser = sf.ExternalHID('COM16')
    except Exception as e:
        print("Hardware Macro Disabled")
    def generateKeyEvent(val, key_s, delay):
        if val == True:
            for outVal in key_s:
                # hardware macro
                # software macro
    def drinkPortionWithInput(listDevKeyOutVal, delay=0.001, sProcess=None):
        listKeyState = [0] * len(listDevKeyOutVal)
        triggereds = []
        while True:
            if sProcess != None:
          # screenProcess if triggered return data
                triggereds = sProcess.screenProcess(showVideo=1)
                if cv2.waitKeyEx(25) == ord('`'):
            for idx, dictDevVal in enumerate(listDevKeyOutVal):
                keyormo = list(dictDevVal.keys())[0]
                generateKeys = dictDevVal[keyormo].split(',')
                # [0] = k is keyboard [1] = pushed key
                if keyormo.split('_')[0].strip() == 'k':
                    value = keys.is_pressed(keyormo.split('_')[1].strip())
                    if listKeyState[idx] != value:
                        generateKeyEvent(value, generateKeys, delay)
                        listKeyState[idx] = value
                # [0] = m is mouse [1] = pushed mouse btn
                elif keyormo.split('_')[0].strip() == 'm':
                    possList = [mo.LEFT, mo.RIGHT, mo.MIDDLE]
                    except Exception as e:
                    value = mo.is_pressed(keyormo.split('_')[1].strip())
                    if listKeyState[idx] != value:
                        generateKeyEvent(value, generateKeys, delay)
                        listKeyState[idx] = value
                elif keyormo.split('_')[0].strip() == 's':
                    stat = keyormo.split('_')[1].strip()
            # drink potion if HP, MP below specific percentage
                    for triggered in triggereds:
                        if triggered == stat:
                            generateKeyEvent(True, generateKeys, delay)
    if __name__=="__main__":
        configFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\' + 'config.cfg'
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        itemList = []
        for option in config.options('portion_key'):
        drinkDelay = float(config['portion_drink_delay']['delay'])
        delay_triggered = int(config['portion_drink_delay']['delay_triggered'])
        brg_lower = literal_eval(config['screen']['bgr_lower'])
        bgr_upper = literal_eval(config['screen']['bgr_upper'])
        hpmp_region = literal_eval(config['screen']['hpmp_region'])
        hpmp_trigger = float(config['screen']['hpmp_trigger'])
        print("macro start drink delay  %s " % str(drinkDelay))
      # make screenProcess instance
        sp = cvf.ScreenProcess(brg_lower, bgr_upper, hpmp_trigger, delay_triggered, hpmp_region)
        drinkPortionWithInput(itemList, drinkDelay, sp)



    The new drinkPortion.py. I’ve commented on the main part. 

    3. Run 

    After coding, enable the virtual environment in the CMD environment and then python drinkPortion the code will run. And if you want to keep the video processing window open, you can change it to showVideo = 0. 

    Yep today’s post is here. I’m going to act 4 mill now, but i’ve done my way to build it, and i’ve almost folded the game. 


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