Path of Exile (POE) Inventory Automatic Orgnize !!! [1]

  • Related Categories: DIY, software

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    This posting is for educational purposes only. Never abuse, it gets misused.


    If you pick up the abolition and sell the item, the Currency is piling up a lot, and today, in order to solve that problem and pick up the abolition quickly, i’ll send all the Currency to the warehouse, stash joe ~ with one Keyboard input from the character inventory. 


    In POE, when you press ctrl + c against the mouse cursor on the item, is the item information copied to the Clipboard? I used the feature positively. ! For more information on how to operate, please refer to the video ~

    First, let’s look at which libraries you used. 

    1. Required libraries

    pip install pywin32
    pip install pillow
    pip install numpy
    pip install mss
    pip install pyautogui==0.9.38
    pip install opencv-python
    pip install pprint


    In fact, poe automatic potion eating!! If stamina half-fish … You need the same library that Post used. It’s just a new pprint. This library is intended to make python material types look better. 

    2. Code 

    There are some pre-work tasks that you need to do before you introduce the code. With the character inventory visible, you can change the run variables in the code below from 1 to 5 in turn and then run it!! Follow the description of each step below. 

    run = 1. Find the coordinates of inventory. I need a file that I did in the last post. (Blue square screenshot)

    run = 2. Save the first grid screenshot of Inventory. This screenshot is used to find an empty inventory unit, so the first inventory should be left blank and run.  

    run = 3. Make sure that empty inventory units are well detected. Config.cfg (described below) if it is not detected well Try adjusting the confidence factor value!! Clipboard copytime takes quite some time, so it detects empty units and handles exceptions. 

    run = 4. Make sure that the actual Currency goes well into Stash. Within 3 seconds of running the code, click on the POE game screen and make the POE an active window for normal operation. 

    run = 5. Now the preparation process is over. If you press F2 during the game, move all currency from your character inventory to Stash. 

    And if you look at the function below, there’s a global variable called EXCEPT_CURRENCY. This variable is a setting for Currency that will not be moved to the warehouse.

    import win32clipboard
    import pyautogui as pa
    import mouse as mo
    import keyboard as keys
    import time
    import numpy as np
    import pprint
    import cv2.cv2 as cv2
    import mss
    import os
    from PIL import Image
    K_RARENESS = '희귀도'
    K_ITEMNAME = 'item_name'
    V_CURRENCY = '화폐'
    EXCEPT_CURRENCY = ['Scroll of Wisdom', 'Portal Scroll']
    class InventoryTool():
        itemInfoInInven = {}
        def __init__(self, inventorySize, listexceptCurr):
            # inventorySize x, y, w, h
            self.inventorySize = inventorySize
            self.inven = np.empty(shape=(12, 5), dtype=tuple)
            self.invenUnitSize = (int(inventorySize[2] / 12), int(inventorySize[2] / 12))
            self.invenUnitBox = (inventorySize[0] + 5, inventorySize[1] + 5, \
                                   self.invenUnitSize[0]-5, self.invenUnitSize[1]-5)
            self.listexceptCurr = listexceptCurr
            for xunit in range(12):
                for yunit in range(5):
                    x = self.inventorySize[0] + xunit * self.invenUnitSize[0]
                    y = self.inventorySize[1] + yunit * self.invenUnitSize[0]
                    cord =, y, self.invenUnitSize[0], self.invenUnitSize[1]))
                    self.inven[xunit][yunit] = cord
        def realPoint(self, unitPointX, unitPointY):
            return (self.inven[unitPointX][unitPointY][0], self.inven[unitPointX][unitPointY][1])
        # get clipboard data
        def getItemInfoFromClipboard(self, unitPoint):
            itemInfo = {}
                itemData = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
                itemKinds = itemData.split('--------')[0].strip()
                rarenessAndName = itemKinds.split('\n')
                rareness_key = rarenessAndName[0].split(':')[0]
                rareness_value = rarenessAndName[0].split(':')[1]
                itemInfo[rareness_key] = rareness_value.strip()
                itemInfo[K_ITEMNAME] = rarenessAndName[1]
                self.itemInfoInInven[unitPoint] = itemInfo
                return itemInfo
                print('No Item ', unitPoint)
                return None
        def checkItemInInvertory(self, boxRegions):
            for x in range(np.shape(self.inven)[0]):
                for y in range(np.shape(self.inven)[1]):
                    rpoint = self.realPoint(x, y)
                    if self.checkEmptyUnitPoint(boxRegions, rpoint):
                        mo.move(rpoint[0], rpoint[1])
                        self.getItemInfoFromClipboard((x, y))
        def moveCurrencyToStash(self):
            for unitPoint, iteminfo in self.itemInfoInInven.items():
                rpoint = self.realPoint(unitPoint[0], unitPoint[1])
                    # print('move', iteminfo[K_ITEMNAME])
                    if iteminfo[K_RARENESS] == V_CURRENCY \
                            and not iteminfo[K_ITEMNAME] in self.listexceptCurr:
                        mo.move(rpoint[0], rpoint[1])
                        print('Move', iteminfo[K_ITEMNAME])
        def checkEmptyUnitPoint(self, boxRegions, centerRpoint):
            for br in boxRegions:
                x, y, w, h = br
                if (x < centerRpoint[0] < x + w) and (y < centerRpoint[1] < y + h):
                    # nothing on inven
                    return False
            # something on inven
            return True
        def findImage(self, templateName, show=0, confidence=0.6):
            boxRegions = []
            x, y, w, h = self.inventorySize
            mon = {'top': y, 'left': x, 'width': w, 'height': h}
            sct = mss.mss()
            img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (w, h), sct.grab(mon).rgb)
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            imgPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\' + templateName
            template = cv2.imread(imgPath, 0)
            w, h = template.shape[::-1]
            res = cv2.matchTemplate(gray, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
            threshold = confidence
            loc = np.where(res >= threshold)
            for pt in zip(*loc[::-1]):
                if show == 1:
                    cv2.rectangle(frame, pt, (pt[0] + w, pt[1] + h), (0, 0, 255), 2)
                realX = self.inventorySize[0] + pt[0]
                realY = self.inventorySize[1] + pt[1]
                boxRegions.append((realX, realY, w, h))
            if show == 1:
                cv2.imshow('image', frame)
            return boxRegions
        def makeTemplate(self, templateName, templatePoint):
            x, y, w, h = templatePoint
            mon = {'top': y, 'left': x, 'width': w, 'height': h}
            sct = mss.mss()
            img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (w, h), sct.grab(mon).rgb)
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            imgPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\' + templateName
            cv2.imwrite(imgPath, frame)
    if __name__=="__main__":
        import configparser
        import cvFunc as cvf
        from ast import literal_eval
        configFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\' + 'config.cfg'
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        inventory_size = literal_eval(config['inventory']['inven_region'])
        templateName = config['inventory']['inven_unit_empty_pic']
        templateConfidence = float(config['inventory']['confidence'])
        run = 1
        # -- screenshot whole inventory and get size
        if run == 1:
            ip = cvf.ScreenShot()
        # -- screenshot empty inventory unit and save
        elif run == 2:
            it = InventoryTool(inventory_size, EXCEPT_CURRENCY)
            it.makeTemplate(templateName, it.invenUnitBox)
        # -- find empty inventory unit image on whole inventory
        elif run == 3:
            it = InventoryTool(inventory_size, EXCEPT_CURRENCY)
            it.findImage(templateName, show=1, confidence=templateConfidence)
        # -- run 1 time
        elif run == 4:
            it = InventoryTool(inventory_size, EXCEPT_CURRENCY)
            boxRegions = it.findImage(templateName, 0, confidence=templateConfidence)
            # print(boxRegions)
            pprint.pprint(it.itemInfoInInven, indent=4)
        # -- run forever
        elif run == 5:
            keyState = 0
            while True:
                value = keys.is_pressed('F2')
                if value == True:
                    it = InventoryTool(inventory_size, EXCEPT_CURRENCY)
                    boxRegions = it.findImage(templateName, 0, confidence=templateConfidence)
                    # print(boxRegions)
                    pprint.pprint(it.itemInfoInInven, indent=4)
                    keyState = value




    3. Config.cfg

    # 4K
    # inven_region = (2599, 1152, 1213, 513)
    # Full HD
    inven_region = (1307, 576, 597, 250)
    inven_unit_empty_pic = invenUnitEmpty.png
    confidence = 0.8



    The inventory section has been added. 

    • inven_region: means inventory x, y, w, h. You can get it as run = 1.
    • inven_unit_empty_pic: run = 2 is the name of the empty space photo of the inventory obtained. 
    • confidence: The value of openCV to allow a certain similarity to template Matching. As you get closer to 1, only the same area as the given template picture is detected. 


    You can do this and run the ! 

    If you have currency that doesn’t move occasionally, increase the time.sleep (0.03) time in the getItemInfoFromClipboard function to 0.05! 

    If you read clipboard content too quickly after ctrl+c, you’ll see items that fall out. 


    Yep today’s post is here. The code shows a very mechanical and fast mouse and keyboard movement! It’s also easy to get caught up in, so don’t abuse it or ???? I’m sorry.

    I’ve built it with a dual-list namom build, but Malakai doesn’t kill…. I thought it was a mob that i’m going to die quickly, but it’s all the. !!! It’s a great place to stay.

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